Steven Edwards wrote:

> What you and others are asking for is the right to add broken hacks for
> the sake of user experience. 
> ...

I didn't ask for anything and I said I don't think WineHQ is even able
to change this process.

Misconstruing the words, intent, and plain meaning expressed by people
who offer constructive criticism of WineHQ is a consistent pattern of
those defending the status quo (as is a ton of ad hominem noise).

I commented on Vitaly's comments as they we're wildly hypocritical.  And
I offered perspective on the roots of the issue that Robert raised.
Which reminds me that I should also have pointed out to Vitaly that if
he thinks this issue is such a trolling non-issue then why did it rank a
session @ Wineconf, taking up the valuable face-to-face time of the
hardest core of the hard core Wine developers.

I also offered my expectation, optimistic as ever, that OSS will lead to
innovation that fills unmet needs.


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