The spec file line read '+@  stdcall wglUseFontOutlinesW(long long long long 
long long long ptr) gdi32.wglUseFontOutlinesW' the last part wasn't needed I 
think. I thought it was about that. Didn't see the FontBitmaps/FontOutlines 
issue ..

I guess I'll need a take 4 and hope it is right then.



> On Thu, Sep 28, 2006 at 08:20:51PM +0200, Roderick Colenbrander wrote:
> > Again as mentioned by Huw, the gdi32.spec file wasn't correct.
> > It should be correct this time.
> No.  Your gdi32.spec was fine.  It was the opengl32.spec that was
> wrong (hint: that's why I quoted that bit of the patch ;-).
> Your patch is for the wglUseFont*Bitmaps* functions and not the
> wglUseFont*Outlines* functions, so the only thing that should be
> changing is the former and not the latter.
> So in opengl32.spec you need to forward the wglUseFont*Bitmaps*
> functions to functions of the same name in gdi32.
> Huw.

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