Le mardi 03 octobre 2006 à 15:51 -0500, Tom Spear a écrit :
> I'm by no means an expert on copyright law or copy protection, but I
> think that using any method other than writing directly to the MBR
> with those copy protection measures would be illegal because writing
> to a file (registry, wine-only proprietary db or any other type of
> file) as opposed to writing to the mbr like the copy protection is
> supposed to could potentially reveal data that the copy protection
> companies don't want being revealed, and therefore that would end up
> making wine a possible target for aiding circumvention.  Sure there
> are tools out there that crackers use that read the mbr and store it
> in a file, so that they can circumvent the copy protection, but that
> has nothing to do with wine. 

This doesn't require cracker tools, reading a MBR using standard tools
like dd is as easy as reading a file or registry.


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