> Here an another X/Unix problem arises. IFAIK, You cannot type chars
> that are not supported by Your current locale.

It seems to be a trend in current distros to move to UTF8-based locales. Those 
support everything you throw at them. On my system (FC6), it's like so:
$ echo $LANG

With this locale setting I can type any language I set my keyboard to. Most 
applications handle it gracefully (Qt- and GTK- based ones do, at least).

I don't think that there's any way to go about those things but to use 
UTF8-encoded locale. Since UTF8 is just the encoding, the actual locale 
(language and locality) can be set separately. You could have by_BY.UTF-8, or 
even ru_BY.UTF-8.

Cheers, Kuba

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