On Saturday 30 December 2006 09:20, [IDC]Dragon wrote:
> I'd like to humbly bump my bug report:
> http://bugs.winehq.org/show_bug.cgi?id=6415

I've had a look at it and couldn't recreate the problem. What setup do you 
have? (I'm not running the web server on port 80, because that's where my 
apache is sitting, and I don't feel like running wine as root. I'd be 
surprised if that changes anything, though.)

Looking at my +winsock trace, it seems to be looping over the WSASendTo just 


Kai Blin, <kai Dot blin At gmail Dot com>
WorldForge developer    http://www.worldforge.org/
Wine developer          http://wiki.winehq.org/KaiBlin/
Will code for cotton.

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