Stefan Dösinger wrote:
We will need software shaders for a correct implementation of
IWineD3DDevice::ProcessVertices. It supports Vertex shaders, but I
don't really think OpenGL feedback mode is what we want here.

Maybe we should remove it for now, but keep the code somewhere(in the
wiki maybe). If someone is extra-ambitious we can do something like
Softwire/SwiftShader does. But I think ProcessVertices is a good
oportunity to verify our vertex shader implementation.

Sounds fun *g* ... I thought of generating Intel assembly code from the
vertex shader bytecode on the fly, just like GLSL and ARB shaders are
generated, using primarily SSE for doing the floating point
computations (in situations where it brings an advantage), and directly
referencing the memory at IWineD3DVertexShaderImpl->data,input,output
(load constants, input data, store temporary values, store output
data). Would something like that even be accepted in wine ?

I'm already 'experimenting' a bit, but as I don't have much time these
days don't count on it to be finished within the next 3 months, or
ever, after all I might also get so desperate with it and stop working
on it altogether ... I've never written anything similar before.

The main reason for this mail is to know whether someone else is
working on a solution for doing software vshaders already, and if so,
rather invest the time in my other studies (I'm running behind there
...), before having two people work at the same thing.

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