On Friday 19 January 2007 16:36, Edward Savage wrote:
> I came to the conclusion that trying to do a back issue is just to hard.  I
> have most of last weeks written...

Nice. Never mind about the back issues.

> Unfortunately people have been nice 
> enough to implement directx reasonably well so I've been playing EVE Online
> solidly like a good addict for over two weeks now... I will see if I can
> get last weeks, which may be a mix of last week and this week, to Brian
> today/tonight for help with formatting.

Great. If you want to take a break after that to.. er... do some DirectX 
regression testing in EVE Online, just say the word, and we'll look into 
gettin that round-robin stuff set up.


Kai Blin, <kai Dot blin At gmail Dot com>
WorldForge developer    http://www.worldforge.org/
Wine developer          http://wiki.winehq.org/KaiBlin/
Will code for cotton.

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