On Friday 09 March 2007 14:21 +0100, Shachar Shemesh wrote:
> Dan Kegel wrote:
> > What application did you have in mind?
> I honestly don't know, yet. I'm meeting a prospective client on Sunday
> that is currently doing some browser plugin via ActiveX, and wants to
> support Linux and Mac OSX, as well as Firefox. They were thinking about
> using Wine for some of the stuff, and converting code for other.

A couple of years ago two KDE developers were working on something like this 
as a fun project:

> At worst, I believe we can run the actual plugin code in a separate
> process (started by Wine), and have a stub as the actual plugin, and
> have the two communicate via some IPC. I was just asking in case the
> problem was miraculously solved by someone while I was away from Wine.
> What you describe sounds awfully similar to what I remembered, however.

That shouldn't be a problem, Konqueror is doing this for all "Netscape" 
plugins and I think there is a Firefox plugin which does this with MPlayer

Kevin Krammer, KDE developer, xdg-utils developer
KDE user support, developer mentoring

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