On Wednesday 21 March 2007 16:42, Giles Cameron wrote:


> What I mean is having more "levels" in there because it seems like they
> are being abbused right now, eg, it very well may be an error but it
> isn't of use to many people. so it should be put somewhere someone who
> is looking for it could easily find it, if they need it.

So, besides ERR, WARN, FIXME and TRACE, what levels would you suggest? What 
should they be used for in your opinion? And why would that be abused less?

> Many of these thoughts come from bad experiences getting ANYTHING
> working. :/
> Hope this is easier to understand!
Actually it isn't. I still don't see a real suggestion as to how things should 
be changed.


Kai Blin, <kai Dot blin At gmail Dot com>
WorldForge developer    http://www.worldforge.org/
Wine developer          http://wiki.winehq.org/KaiBlin/
Will code for cotton.

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