On Thu, 2007-05-10 at 12:05 -0500, Tom Spear wrote:
> On 5/10/07, Scott Ritchie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Does anyone have statistics we can present about how many Wine users
> > playing Blizzard games there are out there?
> >
> > The closest thing I've ever seen was a steam-based hardware survey Valve
> > released a couple of years ago.  Even then, there were tens of thousands
> > of Wine users playing Steam games.  With Wine more popular now and World
> > of Warcraft often working better than in Windows, it seems pretty
> > reasonable that there would be even more Wine-based WoW players.
> >
> >
> > Perhaps we could ask Blizzard to just include a simple test for Wine's
> > registry key in their software and then keep statistics on it.
> I dont know about every other WoW player, but given Blizzard's history
> of phoning home with previous games, I dont know how comfortable I
> would be with even a check for a wine registry key that phones home
> every time I play WoW.

If you're not comfortable with a Wine registry key being checked for,
you definitely should not be playing WoW.  The software already checks
for a ton of far more personal data.

Scott Rtichie

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