On Sat, 2007-05-12 at 16:31 -0500, James Hawkins wrote:
> On 5/12/07, Misha Koshelev <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > I am starting to write some automation conformance tests for things that
> > I could check only after a package has been installed (and before it was
> > removed) like ProductInfo and RelatedProducts. I've added the install
> > functionality into the conformance test, and it works beautifully on
> > Windows, cleaning up after itself every time both by deleting all the
> > installed files and also doing an
> > MsiInstallPackage/Installer::InstallPackage call with REMOVE=ALL options
> > which gets rid of all the information published by
> > RegisterProduct/PublishProduct, thus allowing the ProductState to go
> > back to being INSTALLSTATE_UNKNOWN afterwards.
> >
> > However, in wine the tests run fine the first time, but then the
> > REMOVE=ALL call does not seem to remove the registry data (in fact I'm
> > not sure this functionality is present under Wine msi yet). Is there any
> > way to properly remove the registry data about the application under
> > Wine MSI in my conformance test without just manually clearing out the
> > appropriate registry values, and would this be considered to be kosher?
> >
> For the time being, using the registry API to delete the keys will be
> fine.  We do the same thing for the install tests (using DeleteFile to
> delete the installed files).  Eventually we'll be able to just call
> install again wtih REMOVE, but uninstalls is unimplemented in Wine,
> and it's a really low priority.

Ok, thanks for the info.


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