On 5/24/07, Scott Ritchie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Reading the Ubuntu forums, I've noticed quite a few reports from users
> complaining about Wine deadlocking their system - keyboard unresponsive,
> with no solution but to restart the entire computer.

I've had the keyboard stop responding... often... with a particular
game.  I have to go find the link to it.

It's "Galactic Dream: Rage of War" demo/preview.  Free download, make
it easy(-ier) to reproduce.


> Sometimes users report this problem after running ANY Wine process -
> even winecfg.
> I'm not sure what's causing the issue.  At first I thought it was a
> hardware thing (perhaps ATI's infamously terribly drivers), but would

But I have a PCI Geforce 6200.

> that still prevent winecfg from working?  Wine is a user-level process,
> it shouldn't be able to cause a hardlock under any circumstances, right?

Definitely agreeing with that.  Trying to convince my management that
the blue screen of death triggered by my Windows program is also not
my bug for the same reason.

> Anyone else seen these kinds of reports?
> Thanks,
> Scott Ritchie

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