On Sat, Aug 11, 2007 at 01:10:58PM +0200, Roderick Colenbrander wrote:
> On Saturday 11 August 2007 13:07, Dan Kegel wrote:
> > Why are all our new bugs cc'd to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > I suspect that's a default that needs to be removed...
> In the #winehackers channel there's now a bot which notifies of bugzilla 
> changes. It could be related to that.

Yes, "buggbot" is fed through that address. This is not a
default, but was explicitly set.

(It is the same new globalwatchers setting used for our bug
mailinglist. That means notification on everything, where as
before we could miss changes, e.g. when the bug was reassigned
without cc-ing the mailinglist.)


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