On Thursday 16 August 2007 16:06:31 Kuba Ober wrote:

> > > Why? This is a non-issue. Make it a configure parameter, document in
> > > the changelog/release notes, and the packagers will take care of it.
> >
> > It's very much an issue if you want to build a binary that works on
> > multiple distros (like Crossover, to take a random example). That's
> > already hard enough to do as it is...
> A configurable symlink then? Crossover can have their own hack in place for
> that, it doesn't really belong in an open-source system IMHO.

Maybe using Crossover as an example was unfortunate, as it was bound to 
provoke this response. However, it's a real example, as opposed to my more 
theoretical example. There are binaries that are supposed to work on multiple 
distributions. Autopackage is one system to create those, LSB binaries are 
another. In those cases, a configure option probably is a bad idea.

> It's a triviality, and hardcoding various "maybe here, maybe there" paths
> to look through will only prompt "hey, but it doesn't work for ME"
> issues... Again, IMHO.

No one will ever be happy with any given solution. Such is life.

Kai Blin
WorldForge developer  http://www.worldforge.org/
Wine developer        http://wiki.winehq.org/KaiBlin
Samba team member     http://www.samba.org/samba/team/
Will code for cotton.

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