I think it is safe to avoid working on parts of wine that are directly
involved with the source code you have seen.

You are probably talking about the windows 2000 winsock source code
that was leaked a while ago, right?  If so I believe it would be safe
for you to contribute to other parts of wine.

You should also probably not have any trace of windows source code on
your machine while developing for wine, but unless you are a microsoft
employee you shouldn't have it anyways.

I am not a lawyer nor do I have any tenure with wine, so I could be wrong.

On 8/16/07, Dmitry Morovkov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm a (mostly windows, but with some linux skills) programmer from russia
> who is interested in helping developing Wine, but due to all the mess I read
> about the legal issues I want to ask first.
> What is Wine's position regarding people who had seen the windows source
> code? I tried to search for this topic, and, found this:
> http://www.gnu.org/prep/standards/html_node/Reading-Non_002dFree-Code.html
> After reading this, it looks like it's ok if someone have seen the windows
> source code, and provided he is not going to directly copy unmodified source
> code (what a stupid idea!), nor refer to it, he would be considered as a
> good/trusted person?
> Please clarify this to me.
> Regards,
> Dmitry Morovkov.

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