Dan Kegel wrote:
> http://www.linux-community.de/story?storyid=23294 and
> http://www.macnews.de/news/102145.html mention
> that some users are using Cider from one game
> to run a second game on the Mac.  The game vendors
> are upset, and are saying they'll do something to make
> that harder.  There is some question about whether Cider
> includes LGPL components of Wine, and whether there
> are any violations lurking there.
> I imagine our friends at Cedega would
> instinctively avoid such infringement, but accidents might
> happen.  It'll be interesting to see if anybody finds a real problem.
> - Dan

Users can do whatever they want, (in most jurisdictions, even mostly the
with their binaries. But they can not then redistribute those hacked
games or
Cider binaries.

Jakob Eriksson

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