On Saturday 06 October 2007 13:41:43 Dan Kegel wrote:
> At Wineconf 2007, I was appointed to be the guy who decides
> (with Alexandre's approval) what bugs are 1.0 bugs and what aren't.
> So I've started adjusting the "Target Release" fields on a few
> bugs in Bugzilla.
> Over the next month or so, I'd like Wine developers to nominate important
> bugs for 1.0 by setting their "target release" field to 1.0.  Later on we'll
> clean up and freeze the list somehow.
> Also, I've put together a draft wiki page with our 1.0 release criteria; 
it's at
> http://wiki.winehq.org/WineReleaseCriteria
> Comments?
> - Dan

Hi Dan,

can you please consider http://bugs.winehq.org/show_bug.cgi?id=9484 for 1.0.



Klaus Layer
Walldorf, Germany
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