> Hi Dan et al.,
> So I just wanted to let you know that I have looked somewhat at one (the only 
> as far as I saw) of the valgrind results related to HttpProtocol in urlmon, 
> and basically it involves passing a pointer to a PROTOCOLDATA from a local 
> variable inside a function to the ProtocolSink call which ends up
> sending a message with this pointer. When this pointer is processed later, 
> since it is a pointer to a local variable which (presumably) exists only on 
> the stack, it is not really valid.
> Now this is quite easy to "fix" with a five-line patch that HeapAlloc's the 
> proper structures. However, I was trying to figure out how native does this 
> to copy it, and kind of ran into a dilemma. Namely, doing a simple patch like 
> shown below (this probably won't really be a diff as I copy/pasted it
> into WebMail which will probably mess it up, but it should give a general 
> idea) and then doing a WINEDLLOVERRIDES with native urlmon and wininet and 
> +relay WINEDEBUG I can see that the the PROTOCOLDATA pointers are pointing to 
> stuff like 0x7d7ad790 and 0x7d7ad820. Now, much to my suprise, these
> addresses, nor addresses in the proximate range (approximate) to that address 
> don't seem to be part of any other relay calls, including any calls to any 
> sort of allocation functions. Now this leaves me a little stumped ,as I can 
> only see a few ways to properly implement these PROTOCOLDATA pointers
> (without a memory leak):
> 1. A static PROTOCOLDATA variable (local or global). In this case, the 
> address I see for native should never change I believe, but also this would 
> not be correct as potentially you could have more than one HttpProtocol using 
> the same structure.
> 2. Dynamic allocation of the PROTOCOLDATA structure. This seems like the best 
> option to me, but native either does not seem to be using it or allocates it 
> in some way in which the address or even partial versions of the address does 
> not appear in any allocation functions (or really anywhere) in the
> +relay log. Any ideas on what allocation functions I could be missing here?
> 3. Have one PROTOCOLDATA structure per IInternetProtocol implementation of 
> http. This seems reasonable too, except I am also printing out the address of 
> the IInternetProtocol structure and clearly PROTOCOLDATA is not in an address 
> range anywhere near this structure, and it is never allocated so it
> can't be a pointer within that structure.
> So anyhow I am a little stuck on the "proper" fix for this. Any suggestiosn 
> would be appreciated.
> Thanks,
> Misha

Hmm... so it looks like upon investigation the address ranges for PROTOCOLDATA 
with antive dlls are actually
suspiciously similar to those I see in the current local variable 
implementation... which makes me think that
the implementation is dissimilar (and thus leaky) in the downstream 
ProtocolSink implementation in binding.c,
which will be a little harder to test...


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