Am Samstag, 8. Dezember 2007 20:42:05 schrieb Sònia Xapellí Brú:
>  I know there was some discussion concerning the use of hlsl2glsl and
> that it is not directly useful as it seems that the conversion to
> assembler is necessary in d3d9. Nevertheless, when it comes to
> d3d10,Shader Model 4 relies only  in source code and forbids the
> programmers from implementing directly the assembler tokens. Therefore,
> I think that in this case the best solution, maximising the use of the
> graphic card capabilities goes mandatory to the use of the trasnlator
> and leaving up to the graphic card driver the compilation of GLSL.
DirectX10 allows assembly(or better: bytecode) shaders as well. It has a 
compiler built in, so we need our own, but we do need a SM4 bytecode parser

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