Hi there,

I've got a bit of a specific task, that I don't know if it's achievable
via wine in some way or not.  I'd like to make a windows dll available
to linux programs as a .so file.

The dll itself is a video plugin (freeframe.sourceforge.net).  These are
available commercially to buy, and I'd like to be able to use them in a
linux application that supports the plugin format for native linux
compiled plugins, without having to request linux native versions from
the commercial developers.

I've been doing some searching, and have found a few mails on this list
about this sort of thing in the past, but haven't been able to find a
conclusive method.

I guess that this might be possible via some sort of wrapper that maps
the inputs/outputs to the dll .  Does anyone know if there is anything
that runs like this already out there that I could take a look at as an
example piece of code to hack about with?



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