On 13/02/2008, Juan Lang <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >  Q: Should we provide a --simple mode for winecfg that has the work
> >  flow that Ubuntu is planning? Not specifying --simple would bring up
> >  the standard winecfg dialog.
> If you don't explain what that is, don't expect to many responses.  At
> least, I don't know what it is.

>From https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BetterIntegratedWineSpec:
System->Preferences->Windows Applications

Here we reimplement only the Wine configuration options we need.

    * (Pulldown menu): "Default Windows version to emulate when
launching Windows applications"
          o Windows 2000 is currently the upstream default, which
works for most apps
    * (unchecked by default) Automatically launch applications upon
inserting a disc
          o This is where the user can disable autorun by default if
he enabled it with the checkbox in the autorun prompt
    * (radio button default): Allow full screen applications to change
the resolution
    * (radio button alternate): Contain full screen applications in a
window when smaller than the desktop
          o These are the two main use cases of Wine's various Window
managing options. The latter might not be fully functional in time for
    * (button) Advanced
          o Launches winecfg, or a similarly functional GTK
application. We can consider removing this when Wine's defaults get
good enough, however likely not by Hardy. To reimplement the
configuration we need in GTK requires some upstream changes (see [WWW]
ConsoleConfiguration on Wine's wiki.

And the other proposed improvements? Those were mentioned and can be
commented on.

- Reece

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