The 1.0 release of Wine is tenatively scheduled for
the 15th anniversary of the project (roughly 1 June 2008,
if you take Dan Dulitz' message as the start of the project, )

Over the last six or so months, the wine developers have
identified 180 or so bugs as possibly being worth fixing
before the 1.0 release.

63 of the Wine 1.0 bugs have already been fixed:

101 are left to fix:

We can't fix all of these before the 1.0 release; we'll have to
leave some for later.
If you want a say in which of these bugs get fixed sooner,
please vote for your favorite bugs.  To do this,
sign into Bugzilla (you need to register, but that's easy),
pull up your favorite bug from the above list,
and click on the 'Vote for this bug' link on the bug.

We can't promise we'll fix the bugs with the most votes,
but knowing which ones are most popular can't hurt.


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