Hi all,
as it's a larger chunk of functions, I felt like proposing my design idea for 
functions. I'm CC'ing it to any wine d3dx coder I have in my addressbook yet,
so sorry if I forgot one :)

So, the first thing I want to make sure is that we redirect the function calls 
correctly in order
to reduce double coding.
This means on the one hand that we should call the Extended versions of each 
from inside of the simpler ones (most default parameters for the Ex functions 
on MSDN) and on the other hand that we unify all D3DXCreateTextureFromXXEx
functions somehow. I don't know how Resources are stored internally, but I guess
the simplest would be to redirect all of them to 
D3DXCreateTextureFromFileInMemory, i.e.
when D3DXCreateTextureFromFile is called we read the file into memory and call 
InMemory function. I hope this shouldn't be too hard to be applied to the 
resource function
either. Of course, this should also be done at the corresponding Surface, 
Volume and
cube texture functions.
Also, I haven't looked too much into it yet, but I guess we could go even a 
step further
and define the CreateTextuteFromXX calls like this:
1. Redirect to the corresponding D3DXCreateXFromFileInMemoryEx call
2. Call D3DXCheckXRequirements
3. Call IDirect3DDevice9::CreateTexture
4. Lock its surface
5. Call LoadSurfaceFromFileEx with it

This would reduce most of our coding work on LoadSurfaceFromFileEx.
However, there are still plenty of formats supported by the texturing functions
and thus, plenty of work for us to do. IIRC we once came to the decision to
use libraries like libpng or so to reduce that work, too, so we'd just need
to implement formats like .dds.

And the last thing I'd like to ask goes to Louis Lenders: I've just found out
that you have been working on a D3DXCreateTextureFromFile implementation.
Are you still working on that? I'm really looking forward to do some coding
work again, so I could continue your implementation from the 24th March if
you've stopped to work on it ;-)

However, feel free to comment on my proposals for the texturing functions
and tell me if you see any concerns with it :)

Best regards,

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