On Thu, Apr 24, 2008 at 03:05:51PM +0900, Dmitry Timoshkov wrote:
> "Joerg Mayer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > On Wed, Apr 23, 2008 at 08:39:40PM -0700, Dan Kegel wrote:
> >> Hrm.  This is interesting:
> >>   http://lwn.net/Articles/278961/
> >> I wonder if Wine could run faster if it could delegate
> >> the case-insensitvity to the filesystem...
> > 
> > Would be nice indeed, but I don't think it will come: Linus shot down
> > similar patches in the past because to_lower may be easy to implement
> > for ascii, but once you want to implement it for all charsets supported
> > by the files system it gets very messy.
> Sure, it's messy until the filesystem is unicode internally, and uses
> something more reasonable instead of a multibyte UTF-8.

Unix filesystems treat filenames as byte-strings, this is 100% reasonable :-)
Any conversion to glygps isn't a filesyatem operation.



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