On Sun, May 4, 2008 at 12:42 PM, John Klehm <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Sun, May 4, 2008 at 1:15 AM, James Hawkins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  >  I'm still not getting any results with the latest script.  I think
>  >  it's a problem with the version being queried:
>  >
>  >  Version 4
>  >  Tests from build 6d4dae17d27008f501ccc4cf3ec87b00c240dada
>  >  Archive: -
>  >  Tag: jh-win2k3-vm
>  >  Build info:
>  >  Operating system version:
>  >     bRunningUnderWine=0
>  >     bRunningOnVisibleDesktop=1
>  >     dwMajorVersion=8589934597
>  >     dwMinorVersion=8589938382
>  >     dwBuildNumber=8639766056700935376
>  >     PlatformId=9848344841461108
>  >     szCSDVersion=C:\DOCUME~1\ADMINI~1\LOCALS~1\Temp\res2
>  >     wServicePackMajor=2
>  >     wServicePackMinor=0
>  >     wSuiteMask=272
>  >     wProductType=3
>  >     wReserved=30
>  >
>  >  Notice the irregular versions.
>  >
>  When I run the exe you sent me I get similar but not the same results:
>  Version 4
>  Tests from build 1a5aab0ddcc7a0dcde4403add73dbd80be746020
>  Archive: -
>  Tag: hawkins
> Build info:
>  Operating system version:
>     bRunningUnderWine=0
>     bRunningOnVisibleDesktop=1
>     dwMajorVersion=6
>     dwMinorVersion=8589940593
>     dwBuildNumber=8601111290907393184
>     PlatformId=9848138674030886
>     szCSDVersion=C:\Users\ADMINI~1\AppData\Local\Temp\1\res5
>     wServicePackMajor=1
>     wServicePackMinor=0
>     wSuiteMask=272
>     wProductType=3
>     wReserved=3
>  However from my own build I get sane versions:
>  Version 4
>  Tests from build c6da2a0b9daa8bdba045559b057ccf43ea2209c7
>  Archive: -
>  Tag: versiontest-jklehm
> Build info:
>  Operating system version:
>     bRunningUnderWine=0
>     bRunningOnVisibleDesktop=1
>     dwMajorVersion=6
>     dwMinorVersion=0
>     dwBuildNumber=6001
>     PlatformId=2
>     szCSDVersion=Service Pack 1
>     wServicePackMajor=1
>     wServicePackMinor=0
>     wSuiteMask=272
>     wProductType=3
>     wReserved=3

I usually use i586-mingw32msvc, so I tried mingw32 thinking that would
be the difference, but I get the same results.

James Hawkins

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