On Fri, May 9, 2008 at 4:21 AM, Kornél Pál <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Currently it's very unlikely that Mono will have it's own MSVCRTs (I mean
> mixed-mode versions) in the near future. Do you know whether they are
> redistributable?

Yes, but the license is restrictive, and you can't redistribute them
with wine or mono,
only with applications.  When running apps that forgot to bundle them,
I often use this script to download them from microsoft:

But Wine has its own increasingly useful implementation of msvcrt,
at least the part that uses the C api.  (The C++ api is difficult for us
because it has to be written in C; g++ uses a different ABI than Microsoft C++.)

Perhaps, once we work the kinks out, Mono can rely on Wine once more
to get this and related functionality.
- Dan

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