> Isn't it more logical (and closer to native) to have a control panel
> applet for each category/tab already in winecfg instead of having one
> winecfg applet?  Otherwise you're just moving winecfg to another
> place.

Well, my plan, as mentioned before in another thread, is to split up winecfg 
a bit, but there's only so much you can do this, due to the fact that most 
of the tabs in winecfg can work on a global or application-specific basis. 
As far as I can tell, the Desktop and Sound tabs are the only bits of 
winecfg that are global-only and as such can be split from the rest in this 
manner, and this is something I would be considering for a "next step" for 
this applet. However, I figured a simple applet that showed some icons that 
a) let us actually have something in the control panel and that would b) 
provide a more user-friendly interface to these tools for users would be a 
good start, rather than coming along straight away with a large patch that 
hacks up winecfg!

Owen Rudge

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