Yes, FontLink also works for me, but not everyone has those fonts
installed. Wine should find a suitable font from fontconfig, in case
the fonts in FontLink do not exist.

2008/7/3 Huang, Zhangrong <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Have you tried to set FontLink? It works for me, there are no places
> have font problem. (without automatic font substitution patch)
> see:
> [Software\\Microsoft\\Windows
> NT\\CurrentVersion\\FontLink\\SystemLink] 1208451304
> "Microsoft Sans
> Serif"=str(7):"simsun.ttc,SimSun\0gulim.ttc,Gulim\0msgothic.ttc,MS UI
> Gothic\0mingliu.ttc,PMingLiU\0"
> "Tahoma"=str(7):"simsun.ttc,SimSun\0gulim.ttc,Gulim\0msgothic.ttc,MS
> UI Gothic\0mingliu.ttc,PMingLiU\0"
> Ensure your system have these fonts: simsun.ttc, gulim.ttc,
> msgothic.ttc and mingliu.ttc, or change the values with proper font
> name.
> 2008/7/3 Lei Zhang <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>> I tried this with Picasa. It fixed the font rendered as boxes, but now
>> other parts of the interface is missing text.
> --
> $ apt-get moo
>  (__)
>  (oo)
>  /------\/
>  / | ||
>  * /\---/\
>  ~~ ~~
> ...."Have you mooed today?"...

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