Juan Lang <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on Aug 9, 2008 6:41 PM wrote about Question: Why 
are EM_FORMATRANGE Tests 'To Do' in reply to James McKenzie's question on this 
>Hi James,
>> Title states it all.  I would like to compile tests to run against WindowsXP 
>> to see if the test will function.  Could I un'to-do' this test and compile 
>> it with MinGW?
>todo_wine tests are always run, whether or not the todo_wine flag is
>there.  The only difference is how the results are interpreted:  if
>running on Wine (which the standalone tests assume they are not), the
>test is assumed to fail, and an error reported if the test does not
>fail as expected on Wine.  If not running on Wine, they run as normal.

Thank you for the clarification.  Thus, I can run the pre-built executable on 
WindowsXP and there should be no richedit errors, correct?

James McKenzie

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