On Wed, Aug 20, 2008 at 1:14 AM, Maarten Lankhorst
> I would like to request from the mentors to fill in the final evaluation
> form and from the students to give a final write up: What went well? Did
> you meet the goals you set? Did you have fun? Is there anything we can
> do to make wines summer of code better and do you feel like you've
> become part of the wine community?

My project didn't go bad, but I was only able to complete around 40%
of what I expected to do in the begining, it turned out to be bigger
than I thought. I'll try to finish it, but I probably won't be able to
start working on it again until mid-september (exams, other projects
abbandoned due to GSoC, etc), and then my progress will be much

I really enjoyed this SoC, I was able to update my skills and learn to
work in a big project. Thanks to kblin and to all the people who
reviewed my code and bothered to suggest improvements :)


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