On Wed, Oct 8, 2008 at 3:28 PM, James Hawkins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Wed, Oct 8, 2008 at 3:20 PM, Austin English <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> If someone only uses Wine periodically/infrequently, we're unlikely to see 
>> it.
>> Currently, we've got two problems:
>> 1) We want to collect Wine usage data, so we know where to concentrate
>> our efforts.
>> 2) We don't want to bug developers with this, because we'll frequently
>> go through dozens of wineboots in a day.
>> Current proposals:
>> 1) Run a dialog box on first wineboot asking to opt in.
>> 2) Disable the dialog box by default, but allow distros to enable it,
>> so we don't bother devs.
>> 3) Run the dialog box periodically, reminding users about the survey.
>> 4) Put an option in Winecfg to allow opting in, similar to Ubuntu's
>> installer's advanced options allowing to opt-in to the package survey.
>> Problems for propsals:
>> 1) Will annoy developers, which means, won't happen.
>> 2) Possibly viable, but we're then depending on the distros to enable
>> it. While Ubuntu/Suse probably won't be a problem (nudges
>> Scott/Marcus), the others may be.
>> 3) More trouble to implement, and annoying.
>> 4) Depends on users finding the survey and opting in. Will give
>> slightly biased info, as well as less than options 1 or 2 would.
>> I'm leaning toward 2 or 4. The others are annoying/not worth it.
>> Remember, we're not going to get EVERYONE. The idea, however, is to at
>> least get SOMETHING, so we know where/what to target. Currently, we're
>> shooting in the dark.
> You're not thinking about the end result of 2.  In a peachy world, all
> distros would enable what we ask them to, then we still get bugged by
> popups.  4 is the only viable opt-in option.
> --
> James Hawkins

If developers are building from git and not enabling that option, we
wouldn't be bugged by it, only end users would.

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