Dmitry Timoshkov wrote:
> "James McKenzie" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Martin Storsjö wrote:
>>> poll can't handle terminal devices on Darwin, since Tiger. See the
>>> following discussion:
>> This will have to be setup so that it only works for Macs.  Maybe this
>> can be a static patch in the Darwine code but it does not belong in the
>> Wine code stack.
> Why do you prefer to have a broken hack in Darwine instead of fixing this
> properly?
Because I don't think AJ will approve a Mac-only fix.  If the 'proper'
thing to do is to produce an appropriate patch, then that should be our
> Btw, what are the difference between Darwine and WineHQ that you insist
> to have a different name (Darwine) instead of just Wine? 
I did not create Darwine, I only test the builds from Zach Drayer and
Mike Kronenberg.
> Are you aware
> that due to that all bugs reported to Wine bugzilla mentioning Darwine
> are closed as invalid? Do you have your own bug tracking system?
I'll check if Darwine has its own tracking system.

I would like go segway at this point to two projects that I actually
produced code for:, which was a Aqua port of
The Mac X11 port of, which has produced a release version
of an Aqua port after about two years.

So, how does this apply to Wine?  If a problem was found in that was caused by the base code, the testers would create a bug in the Bug
Tracker.  I propose that we do the same thing with Darwine.  If a bug is
found that concerns ONLY the Darwine builds, then it should stay with
the Darwine people.  An example of this is the lack of OpenGL support
from Apple/MacQuartz's X11.  If a bug is found that concerns the Wine
code, then it goes into the Wine Bugzilla.  This way developers are
aware of problems that need to be fixed.  As a final thought, I have an
X86 PC (acutally, a Thinkpad A22p with an ATI video card) that I can
test problems on and possibly work with to build Wine from git. 
However, my time is limited as is everyone's.

So, why the long story:  If AJ will allow Mac-specific 'c' code, then
I'm all in on keeping it in Wine.  If he cannot, then it should be part
of the Darwine project.  I don't want a repeat of what happened between
the and projects.  

My opinion is that there should be one and only one code base from which
builds for all of the x86 operating systems can be built from.  This
includes the various flavors of Linux, UNIX, Solaris and MacOSX.  Maybe
we can even include the small OS/2 crowd somehow.

James McKenzie

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