On Mon, 15 Dec 2008 19:28:18 -0600
"Austin English" <austinengl...@gmail.com> wrote:

> 2008/12/15 M.Kiesel <wine-de...@continuity.cjb.net>:
> > On Fri, 12 Dec 2008, Austin English wrote:
> >
> >> If I had a nickel for every times I've seen platinum and gold ratings for
> >> apps that had dozens of native dlls or complicated scripts to work around
> >> wine bugs, I'd be a much richer man.
> >
> > What about clarifying the wording on
> > http://appdb.winehq.org/help/?sTopic=maintainer_ratings
> > ?
> >

I've been thinking about this myself. 

My suggestion for "Platinum":

Application runs as well as on Windows "out of the box" (no changes required in 
winecfg) and has no open, confirmed bugs with a severity higher than 

My suggestion for "Gold":

Application runs as well as on Windows with some tweaks. Any open, confirmed 
bugs with a severity higher than "trivial" can be worked around with dll 
overrides, other settings, or third party software. 

My rationale:

1. If an app doesn't run flawlessly on Windows (and how many do?), we shouldn't 
expect it to run flawlessly in Wine.
2. With complex apps like Word or Photoshop, testers often test only the basic 
functions, and give a gold or platinum rating based solely on that. Word 2003 
currently has 19 bugs linked to it, of which 11 are confirmed, but someone who 
tested only basic word processing functions could legitimately give it a 
platinum rating under the current guidelines. We can't force people to test 
everything, but we can at least limit the top ratings based on known bugs. 

Rosanne DiMesio <dime...@earthlink.net>

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