Dan Kegel wrote:
> On Tue, Dec 16, 2008 at 5:21 PM, Michael Pujos
> <pujos.mich...@laposte.net> wrote:
>>> I don't see an attachment to
>>> http://www.winehq.org/pipermail/wine-patches/2008-December/066224.html
>>> or rather, there's only a zero-length one.
>> I just attached (In thunderbird) the file outputted by "git format-patch
>> --keep-subject origin"
>> Curiously the link above point to a zero length file but I received it
>> correctly in my e-mail client from the mailing-list...
> That archive is a bit finicky.
> I see the attachment in another archive:
> http://marc.info/?l=wine-patches&m=122947592925831&w=2
> Suggestion: next time use a shorter filename, maybe that's
> what screwed up the archive.
Ah ok, I've noticed it also happens with other patches posted

> It looks like you're changing the protocol.  Will old clients be able to
> connect successfully?  It looks like they won't.  you need to support
> old clients.  We're not allowed to break compatibility now that we've
> released wine-1.0.
> - Dan
The protocol is slightly changed between read_changes_apc() in ntdll and 
the server
to support return of multiple FILE_NOTIFY_INFORMATION structs at a time.
This is transparent to win32 programs (is that what you are calling 
client ? 'm still a bit new to wine terminology :).
using  this API (ReadDirectoryChangeW) and I took great care to have all 
the tests pass.

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