Thank you for your advices, I should read the LGPL more again.

In WCOM, for performance, only ole32 and rptrt4 was remained and 
functions should be simplified , so many feature and code should be cutoff.
There also is  a runnable demo on windows :)



Dan Kegel wrote:
> faquir wrote:
>> I want support out-of-process COM on a mobile phone platform base on Linux.
>> Wine is perfect,but also is too big and too complex to run on the device.
>> So,I' going to create a project named WCOM with some code(ole32 and
>> rpcrt4) from wine
> Say, how about making Wine configurable, like Embedded XP and Linux are?
> We already have a configure script.
> You could add a --tiny configure option to disable everything but the
> tiniest core needed for embedded devices.
> Avoiding a fork might be very good for you business-wise,
> because it would mean less maintenance work for you.
> Since Wine is LGPL, you are free to use it in commercial
> projects as long as you follow the license's requirements.
> Consult a lawyer for details.  See also
> for a guide written by lawyers about how to conform to the GPL,
> LGPL, and related licenses.
> BTW, my take on things is:
> The intent of the LGPL was something like "allow users
> to fix bugs in the code", so in general you should not static link
> Wine code directly into your apps, but rather leave Wine as
> replaceable dynamic shared libraries.
> You must provide the source for the Wine tree you use.
> Ideally you'd also provide a way for users to build Wine themselves
> and flash the device with their own improved versions of wine.
> But I Am Not A Lawyer.
> - Dan

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