> Wine on Windows is an idea of real-world usefulness, as newer versions
> of Microsoft Windows increasingly fail to support apps Wine still
> supports.
> I've started a wiki page: http://wiki.winehq.org/WineOnWindows
> This covers my experiments with the three main POSIX layers (Cygwin,
> MinGW and Interix) on XPsp3.
> Various people have told me they've got it to work before (native
> compilation and install on Windows), but I seem to be the one
> gathering data :-) If anyone who's done it could please (a) put there
> what they did with what versions of Wine and tools (b) check with
> current Wine, that would be most appreciated.
> - d.

Cygwin/Mingw doesn't work due to missing functionality for wineserver I believe 
(not sure what). Someone recently claimed that he indeed had wine working on 
Interix on a 32-bit WinXP. Right now he was trying to compile it on a 64-bit 
Windows but had all sorts of troubles. For instance there is some define for 
ELF stuff which he had to disable. He didn't succeed in compiling it and I have 
doubts that he succeeded before but Interix looks the most promosing of the 
options right now.

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