On Tue, Jan 6, 2009 at 6:48 AM, Rosanne DiMesio <dime...@earthlink.net> wrote:
>> Now, the story changes if the patch is conforming and has been accepted
>> by AJ and is pending the next development release.
> Then the next development release can get the gold, but previous ones still 
> shouldn't. AppDB test ratings are tied to specific releases, and intended to 
> tell normal users how different versions of Wine will work with their app. 
> Patching Wine is not something normal users can or want to do, and allowing 
> ratings based on patched versions of Wine is misleading, even if the patch 
> does eventually make it in to a later release.

It sounds like the problem is that the version string in appdb isn't
descriptive enough.  It's perfectly reasonable to wonder if a given
program can be made to work with a patched version of wine, and wonder
how well it will work.  It's also reasonable to wonder how it will
work with a vanilla version.  Both types of reports are useful to have
in the appdb.  Having a version "x.x.x (patched)" available to
reporters would allow both types of reports to be clearly separated.


Nathan Gray

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