> 2009/1/15 Roderick Colenbrander <thunderbir...@gmx.net>:
> > A while ago when I looked at how XP theme files worked I also took a
> look at this theme. I don't think any package should ship this theme the same
> for other XP themes. The problem is that all XP theme 'creators' are in
> fact editors which use original XP themes as templates. The basic clearlooks
> theme I made a while ago is clean though. We really need to be able to
> create our own themes but as I showed it is quite a bit of work but it isn't
> that hard.
> Have you written a HOWTO on this, perhaps suitable for the wiki? Would
> be most useful for the future!
> - d.

I submitted my work to wine-devel a couple of months ago (see 
http://article.gmane.org/gmane.comp.emulators.wine.devel/64542/). I attached a 
sample theme file with just coloring (XP style coloring; this is slightly 
different from the old coloring method in the registry as some names change). 
The file clearly shows how to create a simple theme from scratch. Adding 
bitmaps is more involved though but not that hard.

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