2009/1/15 Damjan Jovanovic <damjan....@gmail.com>:
> Hi
> I've hacked together a little program (attached) that creates
> freedesktop file type associations (eg. open .dev files with Dev-C++
> when you double-click them in a file manager) from what Windows
> programs do in the registry (#13597).
> Currently it works well, but has to be run explicitly to refresh the
> associations. Ideally we'd have something in Wine that automatically
> refreshes the associations when they change, but since they are done
> in the registry, what's the way to go here? Do it on every wineboot,
> or in some permanently running process (explorer?) that monitors the
> registry for changes?

You could probably create it as a control panel applet. Here is the
list of functionality that would be nice to see:

1.  list and view the file types currently configured.
2.  export the mime/file associations (selected and all) from Wine to
the OS (your utility).
3.  import mime/file associations (select/all) from the OS into Wine.
4.  add, edit and remove entries from the Wine list.

I should be able to get a readme file from a Windows application
opening in GEdit or GVim (3), as well as getting images opening in
Photoshop (2).

Will it work to have more than one program associated with a mime type
(e.g. Open with... Notepad, Notepad+, Visual Studio)?

Do you support different actions (e.g. some file associations register
print, extract, etc. actions)?

Looks promising,
- Reece

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