Ben Klein wrote:
> Hi Maurilio,
> I see you've taken over building Lenny packages of Wine. Good work; at
> least now there are *some* updated packages available.
> I talked to Scott a while ago about taking over from him for all
> Debian package building. I have an automated build environment that
> builds packages for all variations from etch/i386 to sid/amd64 (even
> the very annoying-to-bulid-Wine-for etch/amd64). The one thing that
> was stopping me from fully taking over from Scott was I don't have the
> resources to host the packages.
> So I'm wondering the following:
> 1) Do you think it's worth supporting Etch? (I argue yes, because it's
> still stable)

I gave up on Etch because of a few reasons. Etch was missing some
important libraries so bits of Wine would be nonfunctional on amd64, and
when users reported bugs on them because of debian brokenness it was an
added headache.  Moreover, even at its peak the number of etch users was
only about 1% of the Ubuntu total.

> 2) Are you interested in hosting my Etch and Sid packages?

It's possible I guess, though it would be easier if you had your own
server so you wouldn't have to wait on me for uploads.

> 3) I'm clueless as to how to correctly set up a repository, so all I
> have at the moment are the raw packages. Would you or Scott be able to
> help out with this?

The repository software I use is reprepro, however there are others that
may be easier to set up.

> Thanks,
> Ben

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