this one's _really_ intriguing.

i've been observing that occasionally, running python.exe e.g from
/bin/sh.exe interactively shows... nothing.  it's like, "dude, where's
my car^H^H^Hinteractive python prompt?>>>" and the python developers
are _really_ getting heavy at me for moving Py_Initialize() around and
doing all sorts of weird shit like _assuming_ that the isatty(stdin)
test has succeeded n stuff.

well, i think what's happening - and this popen() test gives some
clues - is that stdin and stdout are being connected to the xterm from
which /usr/bin/wine was started... for a _brief_ period of time.

after some unspecified time, they are no longer connected to the
starting-process's stdin or stdout, but are connected to the correct

but in many instances, that's far too late - a process should _never_
start up with its stdin and stdout connected to the wrong place in the
first place!


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