2009/2/2 Dan Kegel <d...@kegel.com>:
> On Sun, Feb 1, 2009 at 9:48 AM, Dan Kegel <d...@kegel.com> wrote:
>> I'm going to be giving a Wine presentation at
>> Cebit next month.   You can see a draft of the
>> presentation at
>> http://kegel.com/wine/cebit2009/talk.html
> I've updated the presentation.   Mostly I just
> added hyperlinks (some even useful) to all the images,
> and added screenshots of winehq.  I still have a lot to add.
> If anyone knows how to get rid of the highlighting around
> image links via css, please let me know.

1) Most simple way:
img { border: none }

2) More advanced:
img:link, img:visited { border: none }

Method 1 removes borders on all images as the default. Method 2
restricts removing the borders to hyperlinks.

> Thanks for the suggestions, I'll try the apps everybody
> suggested (and the autohotkey script) soon, I hope.
> And yes, the laptop will have a good nvidia chip,
> and I will make darn sure it can talk to video projectors
> well before I leave...

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