On Tue, Feb 24, 2009 at 12:49 AM, Dan Kegel <d...@kegel.com> wrote:
> http://www.avertlabs.com/research/blog/index.php/2009/02/23/running-windows-malware-in-linux/
> is an interesting report; all the malware he tried ran
> to at least some extent on wine.
> One interesting bit of advice he gives at the end is
> "Do not set the file association for Windows executables with Wine.
> This would enable running Windows executables in Wine by simply double
> clicking them."
> I saw a patch floating by to turn this on by default recently.  Maybe
> we should make it off by default, but easy to turn on...?

That patch, which I wrote, works a differently than you describe.

It generates an association from a file extension, to open with the
handler for its ProgID currently in the registry.

So it allows .txt to open with Notepad and .dev to open with Dev-C++.
It does not make Wine open a new .exe by default - at least, that was
not the intention.

Windows executables already run in Wine when you double click on them
- that's tools/wine.desktop doing it's job.


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