On Tuesday 24 February 2009 5:51:59 pm Ben Klein wrote:
> Not correct. I've tested with vfat and ext2 filesystems, with noexec,
> and the files are still marked +x. As it turns out, noexec doesn't
> filter +x, just prevents shell/ld.so/kernel from loading the program.
> Wine is an indirect method of loading a program in comparison.
> An interesting point, assuming that /mnt/test is mounted noexec:
> $ /mnt/test/test.sh
> bash: /mnt/test/test.sh: /bin/sh: bad interpreter: Permission denied
> $ sh /mnt/test/test.sh
> Script runs

That is interesting..

> So maybe this is a matter of semantics: is Wine an executable handler
> (note binfmt-misc) or an executable interpreter? Should the Windows
> application, when passed as an argument to Wine, behave as if it's
> been called directly, or should it behave as if the executable has
> been passed to an interpreter (i.e., interpreter reads and processes
> the file as opposed to executing it directly)?

I would say it's as if it's called directly. After all, Wine Is Not an 
Emulator (and by extension, an interpreter). :) The program is run by the 
system, not Wine.. Wine basically just loads it into memory so the system can 
run it.

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