Here are some quick comments:

You cannot add functions that are not used. So this patch should include 
the following lines from patch 0004:

+    if (defined $opt_work_dir) {
+        # Now scan the directory tree looking for source files and, maybe, 
+        print "Scanning the source directories...\n";
+        source_scan_directory(\...@main_project,"","",0);
+        @projects=sort { @$a[$P_PATH] cmp @$b[$P_PATH] } @projects;
+    } elsif (defined $opt_work_file) {
+        if ($opt_work_file =~ /.dsp$/i or $opt_work_file =~ /.vcproj$/i) {
+            source_scan_project_file(\...@main_project,0,$opt_work_file);
+        }

And the relevant $opt_work_file lines so that it's functional.

The vcproj parser is still pushing compilation options only to CXXEXTRA. 
I believe dsp files can only have one target. Can vcproj files 
have multiple targets? If not it should be possible to avoid the loop on 

Also, I think the dsp parser at least does not need @std_imports because 
if I'm not mistaken all the libraries to link with are explicitely 
mentionned in the file. It also seems like we should not have to play 
guessing games to 'Match sources'. So I think it should be possible to 
simplify that part of the code.

The patch does not use $has_headers anymore but it still declares and 
sets it. Still a few unneeded '."' and '".' (concatenation issues).

Could you move source_scan_project_file() and 
source_scan_workspace_file() above source_scan_directory()? That way 
later on the latter will be able to call the former without having to 
reorder the functions.

Francois Gouget <>    
                          "Utilisateur" (nom commun) :
        Mot utilisé par les informaticiens en lieu et place d'"idiot".

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