2009/3/4 alice_wl <al...@notomorrow.de>:
> hello I just installed wine and used winetricks to get IE
> actualy I want to play combat arms

I was going to say check the AppDB, but then I noticed that most of
the reports had this as an instruction, using ies4linux or
PlayOnLinux, neither of which Wine approves of. I've cleared out the
AppDB of those entries and asked the people who submitted them to
resubmit without using them.

> and read that I should use ie6 to download and install it.

Sounds like a bad idea to begin with. Take a look at what else
winetricks can do: fakeie6 and gecko.

> I m using gentoo with and amd64 and wine 1.1.15.
> there were some broken links in drive_c/windows which I fixed by linking
> /usr/lib/wine to /usr/lib/wine32

Sounds like a symptom of the broken build environment that creates
--host=i686 flag for the configure script instead of --host=x86_64

> problem: internetexplorer has no controls and links go black on hover on
> the wineHQ startpage. ctrl-L for location doesnt work also.

Read the AppDB (for IE). I was curious, so I tried it out myself the
other day. It doesn't work very well.

> problem2: installing directx9 via winetricks fails.

DirectX9 in winetricks is a developer's tool. It's not a good idea to
install it.

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