2009/3/16 Joerg Schiermeier <i...@schiermeier-software.de>:
> Hello Ben,
> I update my debian including your repository to download the
> wine-packages. Today in the morning the new version of wine 1.1.17
> came in. Now I saw in the list of processes this:
> ---<cite - begin>---
> UID        PID  PPID  C STIME TTY          TIME CMD
> joerg    19311  3547  0 21:56 ?        00:00:00 winver
> joerg    19314     1  3 21:56 ?        00:00:01 
> /usr/bin/../lib/../bin/wineserver
> joerg    19320     1  0 21:56 ?        00:00:00 
> c:\windows\system32\services.exe
> joerg    19322 19320  0 21:56 ?        00:00:00 
> c:\windows\system32\winedevice.exe cdenable
> joerg    19327 19320  0 21:56 ?        00:00:00 
> c:\windows\system32\winedevice.exe MountMgr
> joerg    19336     1  0 21:56 ?        00:00:00 
> c:\windows\system32\explorer.exe /desktop
> joerg    19425 17858  0 21:57 pts/1    00:00:00 ps -f -u joerg
> ---<cite - end>---
> (result of: ps -f -u joerg after starting winver - the wine version
> info)
> This '/usr/bin/../lib/../bin/wineserver' is a little bit confused
> isn't it? The executable 'wineserver' lives in '/usr/bin'. So this has to
> be '/usr/bin/wineserver', or?
> What's wrong?

It still works, that much demonstrates there's nothing actually "wrong".

/usr/bin/../lib/../bin is the same as /usr/bin, it's just a bit
roundabout. The ".." directories mean "go to the parent directory".
Regardless, I've CC'd wine-devel in case it can be cleaned up.

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