2009/5/1 Susan Cragin <susancra...@earthlink.net>:
>>I filed ubuntu bug 369762.
> Ubuntu didn't think much of my bug. They sent me the following recipe to cure 
> it, and marked the bug invalid.
> 1) Edit /etc/pulse/client.conf, and change "autospawn = yes" to "autospawn = 
> no"
> 2) `touch $HOME/.pulse_a11y_nostart'
> 3) `asoundconf list'
> 4) choose the desired card from the previous command's output, and use 
> `asoundconf set-default-card CARD', replacing CARD as appropriate
> 5) `killall pulseaudio'
> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/pulseaudio/+bug/348353
> mentions a recent kernel patch that routes all audio through pulse. I wonder 
> if this patch is the culprit?

It mentions a patch, not a kernel patch. I'd be *very* surprised if
there was anything kernel-side specifically routing audio through
pulse. More plausibly, it could be a libasound2 patch or even just a
hack to asound.conf/.asoundrc.

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