On May 17, 2009, at 3:45 PM, Austin English wrote:

Ideally, against a more recent wine version.

Shameless plug:
I've got a script to do it, but no one that I know of is testing it on
OS X. If someone could test it, I'll add any needed fixes:

I have (yet another) build script, but OS X requires a number of deps to be compiled and installed as Apple doesn't ship some libraries, headers, or ships incomplete packages here and there. This is all pretty bare bones stuff.

I can vouch for functionality with Mac OS X 10.5.7 + XQuartz + Wine 1.1.21 (from source). If and when I can find some time IRL, I can get the entire Wine compile and install with deps scripted up. This of course depends on free time, which is always somewhat lacking.

Your script looks good, Austin - lots of functionality there!

  ryan woodsmall

"Be well, do good work, and keep in touch." - Garrison Keillor

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