Remco wrote:
I maintain two apps. I haven't updated their status in months. Yet,
I'm not removed. Apparently, this is because no other people added
something to these pages either.

The problem, as I see it, is with the job of maintainer. It's really
two jobs in one: you're a moderator of user contributions, and you're
the page editor. Now, I don't really care about user contributions.
I'll confirm them when they get in my inbox, but it's not why I become
a maintainer of an app. The only reason I became a maintainer for
those two apps, is because I wanted to add notes and howtos. Maybe
that could be governed more like a wiki: anyone (who's logged in) can
change the page, and every edit is listed in a changelog. Just like
with wikis, you can 'watch' pages for changes, which is sort of
analogous to becoming a maintainer. The comments would then be
analogous to a wiki talk page.


I think the popular apps have their own Wiki page (or they were created but not maintained). for example.

If the HOWTOs are particularly complicated for an app, it would make sense to host a Wiki page.

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